Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Every Morning

Does anyone else start the morning out the same way everyday? Do you feel like Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day" could have been about you?

My mornings only vary between two different scripts. The first is I get up and the kids are still in the bed. I come out of my room, go into Faith's room first and tell her it is time to get up. Then I go in Jonathan's room and tell him the same. Then I go back to Faith's room and poke at her again. Then I go relieve my full bladder. I come out of the bathroom and prod both the children again. Sometimes I pull blankets off, tickle, poke and/or turn on overhead lights. Sometimes all the above...whatever is necessary to see movement in my children.

I go back to my room, shower and/or get dressed. I come out of my room and repeat the above. I go downstairs to the kitchen and start breakfast and packing lunches. I start yelling every five minutes that they are wasting time. If they want anytime to play before the bus comes they better get moving...

After they are on the bus I stop by the main floor bathroom, flush the toilette, put down the lids, turn off the light and shut the door (so when you come to my house you don't notice my bathroom first). Then I go upstairs to the kid's bathroom, flush the toilette, put down the lids and turn off the light. Then I turn off the lights in the kid's rooms and pick up the dirty laundry that thrown all over the place....

The second way I can start my morning is coming out of my room and the kids are already up, dressed, and downstairs. In this case, I turn off the overhead light in Faith's room, I turn off the overhead light in Jonathan's room, and I go into the bathroom, flush the toilette, put the lids down and turn off the bathroom lights. After, I go to my bathroom and empty my bladder, get dressed and come downstairs. Before going to the kitchen to make breakfast and pack lunches, I stop by the main bathroom and flush the toilette, put down the lids, turn off the light and shut the door.

Sorry if that's too much information, but I feel like this is my lot in life...flushing toilettes, putting down lids, turning off lights, and shutting doors.

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